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As many of you know, Dr. Nik Hedberg has been working in close association with Moss Nutrition for several years in a number of different ways. At first our relationship began several years ago with some simple conversations about patient care in terms of difficult chronic scenarios such as Lyme Disease and thyroid dysfunction. For me, it did not take long to realize that I was talking to a truly extraordinary functional medicine practitioner to whom I should be listening closely and intently. As I got to know Dr. Hedberg better, I came to learn about his impressive reputation as a DABCI (Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Internists) instructor. In particular, I found his lectures and writings on Lyme Disease and thyroid dysfunction to be remarkably inciteful and clinically relevant.
Over time, as we talked more often, Dr. Hedberg would occasionally offer truly brilliant and inciteful ideas on how to improve the Moss Nutrition product line either through the addition of new products or the modification of existing products.
Of course, with all of the above in mind, I knew I had to find a way to compensate him for his valuable input other than a simple “Thank you.” Hence, over three years ago, we started to offer financial compensation. Then, nearly two years ago, this ultimately led to our sponsorship of Dr. Hedberg’s monthly webinars which, based on your feedback, have not only been very popular but remarkably useful in terms of improving your care of sometimes difficult chronically ill patients. Even though I take pride in staying abreast of important research that pertains to the use of functional medicine with chronically ailing patients, Dr. Hedberg’s webinars have always provided research of which I was not aware. In turn, Dr. Hedberg’s webinars have become “can’t miss” events for me. Learn more at: https://www.mossnutrition.com/doctors/webinar_archives/ (Must login first)
With all of the above in mind, we both reached a realization about how much we liked working together. Furthermore, Joanne and I had an epiphany about what we knew all along – Dr. Hedberg is an incredibly rare and valuable resource in the world of functional medicine. This led to the proverbial “Aha moment” for Joanne and me – Dr. Hedberg would be the ideal Chief Medical Officer for Moss Nutrition.
Therefore, we are both excited and proud to announce to you that, as of this month (February 2022), Nik Hedberg, DC, DACBI, DACBN, has the title of Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for Moss Nutrition Products.
Of course, while all of Dr. Hedberg’s contributions noted above are important, the most important is serving the needs of you and your patients. We feel that, with the addition of Dr. Hedberg to the Moss Nutrition team, we are now more able than ever to do just that. Thus, please do not hesitate to let us know about your patient care needs as they relate to nutritional supplements and functional medicine education.
While I hope you found the above information interesting, I do feel it is equally important to know about Dr. Hedberg’s more formal qualifications.
Naturally, no discussion about Dr. Hedberg would be complete without mentioning what is probably his crowning achievement, the creation of the Hedberg Institute, For me and I know for many of you and countless other functional medicine practitioners around the country and the world, the Hedberg Institute is one of the premier educational forums for the practical application of functional medicine for virtually any and every type of chronically ill patient. Visit https://hedberginstitute.com/ to learn more.
What can be stated right now about the Hedberg Institute? I feel Dr. Hedberg’s words say it best:
“I started the Hedberg Institute out of frustration due to the current functional medicine education offerings which didn’t provide practical information that practitioners can actually use with patients. What was, and is still available, is the same old “run these tests and prescribe these supplements” approach to patient care which is a failed model. Practitioners and patients deserve better so I’m passionate about teaching a science-based, practical, and affordable model of functional medicine.”
Can more be stated about the Hedberg Institute? Actually, there is much more. However, given that Dr. Hedberg has informed me that the Hedberg Institute is now undergoing a massive upgrade that will make it even more useful to the functional medicine practitioner, I will hold off on any further comments until the upgrade is completed in 2-3 months.
For now, I want to conclude by again stating how excited we are to have Dr. Hedberg as our CMO. We hope you share in our excitement.
In the above product newsletter, I introduced to you an exciting addition to the Moss Nutrition family – Dr. Nik Hedberg is now the chief medical officer (CMO) for Moss Nutrition. However, after making that announcement, the thought occurred to me that some of you may wonder: What exactly are the duties of the CMO and how does that benefit me in terms of my efforts to provide efficacious, cost-effective care for chronically ailing patients? After giving this some thought and discussing this question with Dr Hedberg, we jointly came up with the following:
While it has certainly been our desire at Moss Nutrition to provide the highest quality products possible, probably an even more important goal for us has been to provide you with research and clinical feedback about our products and their use so that you can predictably observe cost-effective efficacy whenever you recommend Moss Nutrition products to your patients. How well have we done in respect to this? Based on your feedback, I feel we have performed reasonably well. However, do I also feel there is room for improvement? Absolutely!! In this respect both Dr. Hedberg and I strongly feel that, with the addition of Dr. Hedberg to our team, we can and will take this most vital role in our relationship with you to a whole new level of expertise and efficiency.
Of course, you will be the final judge of how well we perform concerning our desire to improve. Therefore, with our increased capacity to serve you in mind, we look forward to your suggestions and feedback as to how Dr. Hedberg can work with us to serve you most effectively